Our products


Lichen Garden Rocks

$125/pallet, delivered to you.

Min Order: 2 Pallets

​Quality lichen bush rock, fresh from the paddock. Perfect for brightening your garden beds, building rockeries, and a range of other creations.

Each pallet load contains roughly 24 good sized rocks, measured by a 110cmx110cm pallet in the photo.

To order, text us with the number of pallets on 0490 492 420 or click below!


Spiral Herb Garden (out of Stock)

This spiral miniature garden bed adds an intriguing new feature to your garden. 

Constructed with both aesthetics and practicality in mind,  the spiral shape is designed to flow and direct more rain water down a variety of herbs, towards the ones that need more.

​We deliver the materials needed to build your own spiral herb garden. You can build your own or we can build it for you.

The kit includes: quality potting mix + Lichen garden rocks + 12 different herb plants ​

The herbs vary seasonally and will typically include rosemary, sage, chives, lemon balm, tarragon and mint.

To order, click below or text us on 0490 492 420.

Garden Bed Gallery

Our lichen-covered bush rocks create a beautiful row of silver-white that contrasts naturally with the bright palette of colours in your garden.​

Check out some examples of garden edging from our customers:

Ready to order?

Fill in the form below, or call or text us on +61 490 492 420.